What the Ratings Mean

  • Perfect: Game can be played with no issues.
  • Playable: Game can be played through with minor audio or graphical glitches.
  • Runs: Starts, maybe runs well, but major glitches/issues prevent game from being completed.
  • Loads: Game loads, but crashes in title screen/menu/in-game.
  • Unplayable: Crashes when booting/infinite black screen.
  • Unknown: Game hasn't been tested yet.


Perfect: 15%
Playable: 42%
Runs: 31%
Loads: 7%
Unplayable: 4%
Game title (click for details) Cemu Ver. Region tested Compatibility
A Day at the Carnival 1.26.2f USA Playable
A World of Keflings 1.25.6 USA Playable
ACE - Alien Cleanup Elite 2.2 USA Playable
Advance Wars 1.26.2f EUR Playable
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising 1.26.2f EUR Playable
Advance Wars: Dual Strike 2.0-91 USA Playable
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know! 2.0-94 Unknown Playable
Adventure Time: Finn And Jake Investigations 1.25.5b USA Playable
Adventures of Lolo 1.26.2f USA Playable
Albert Odyssey Unknown Unknown Playable
Alphadia Genesis 1.26.2 USA Playable
Amiibo tap Nintendo's Greatest Bits Unknown Unknown Playable
Angry Bunnies Colossal Carrot Crusade Unknown Unknown Playable
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures 1.13.0f USA Playable
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival 1.26.2f EUR Playable
Another World 20th Anniversary Edition 1.15.10 EUR Playable
Aperion Cyberstorm 1.15.10 EUR Playable
Aqua TV 1.15.10 EUR Playable
Archery by Thornbury Software 1.26.2f USA Playable
Armillo 1.15.10 EUR Playable
Arrow Time U 1.26.2f USA Playable
Art Academy: Home Studio 2.1 EUR Playable
Art of Balance 1.15.6c EUR Playable
Asdivine Hearts Unknown Unknown Playable
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag 1.15.19 USA Playable
Asteroid Quarry 1.26.2f USA Playable
Astral Breakers 1.26.2f USA Playable
Atlantis no Nazo 2.1 USA Playable
AVOIDER 2.0-88 USA Playable
Axelay 1.26.2f USA Playable